8th grade ponder track meet


For the 8th grade girls 2400m run ponder placed 1st. Tana Trosper was our runner with a time of 10:20.00


For the 8th grade girl Shot Put Ponder got 1st place! Kennedy Simon got a distance of 33’-5”


The 4×1 girls did well. The people were Skylar Meddars Mikayla Schultz, Tae Harrison and Sophia Rodriguez. They came 2nd and their time was 57.63.


In the Event of the 4×2 Relay Ponder placed 2nd with a time of 2.00 and the Runners are Sklyer Medders, Sophia Rodriguez, Alex Harbin, and Caitlin Ensor. 


In the 100m run sadly ponder did not place but Estelle whitlock got 1st for ICC, Kimber Euler got 2nd place for Paradise, Addison Lawson got 3rd for Chico, Zoey Martinez got 4th for Paradise, Moorman got 5th for Boyd, and Sarah Dee got 6th place for ICC                    


For our 300 M hurdles  that we hosted in Ponder we had Haylee Kropp, and  Kaylina Conner

Haylee Kropp came in 1st place with a time 1.00 and Kaylina Conner who placed 2nd with a time of 2.00


For the 400 M run Kennedy simons,and Tana Trosper Kennedy simons placed 1st with a time of 1:10:00 and Tana Trosper placed 2nd with a time of 1:12:00 


For the 8th grade 200m run our ladies ran fast and hard. Kennedy Simon got first and Gigi Dennis got 6th place. They worked hard to score points for their team and grade.


For the 8th grade girls triple jump Kaylina Conner got first with a jump of 30-5in. We also have Caitlin Ensor who placed 2nd with a jump of 30-0 ½in. These ladies worked hard to jump the farthest.


For 8th grade track meet for 100m hurdles, in 1st place for Ponder, Skylar Medders with a time of 19:38. Then we have Kaylina Conner in 2nd place with a time of 19:40. Lastly, we have Sophia Rodriguez in 3rd place with the time of 19.48. Amazing job to all the girls!

 Yesterday monday the 28th for the girls track meet for pole vault skyler medders got 1ST with a height of 6’6 and caitlin enor got 2nd with a height of 6’0  and for long jump kennedy simion got 1st with a distance of 83’-2 and chloe hall got 2nd with a distance of 72’-2 


For the 2400 we had Tana Trosper and Sydney Hooper. Tana Trosper came in 2nd with a time of 10:20:00. And Sydney Hooper came in 6th with a time of 12:02:00.