All Region Band


November 16th, Middle school All Region auditions came. I had at least 2-3 months to prepare. But I had made a mistake and started looking through my music within a month till the auditions. With 3 sheets, and 8 scales to be learned. i struggled through the 4 weeks, and started staying after school in band to practice with the help of Mr. Reynolds. i even missed my lunch to go over and practice, but i must say it was worth it. Then that day came the 16th. i woke up and i made sure i had my things ready such as Clarient,neck strap,music, 3 good reeds, and so much more. I went to school, and went on with my day, and same as always i go to band during lunch. In band that day we worked on concert music. By the end of the day i had gotten myself together, and was ready. Me and my mum drove to pilot point , and we got there and met up with some flute players, and a percussionist in our band Cailtin, Vada, and Payton. we went to our room to sign in, and i was 42nd to audition. we practiced the whole time, and i must say my mouth was hurting so bad. Then i started to stress out when i figured out they were only taking 22 clarinets, and there was at least 60-70 clarient people auditioning. By then we had been there about 4-5 hours, and then it was time, I was next in line! I went into the room with only 2 people in there. the judge who was covered up, and the person that let me in. i addition and i messed up so much that i was actually worried. At this point, i wanted to scream in my pilliow, because i knew i could have done better. But my anxiety took over, and i nearly dropped my clarient while playing because i was shaking so much. I went home and i cried that whole night.

Then 2 months went by and it was January. Mr Reynolds got an email from the ATSSB. The email basically said that some Clarient’s couldn’t go and that they wanted me to be apart of the ATSSB. He called me into his office, and i was sacred. I honestly thought i was in trouble, but then he told me. I had made All region! I was so happy and started jumping in joy. But it was that week of the concert. I had Thursday to practice the music and all day Friday! i was kinda stressed out about it ,because i knew there were a lot more better people there.

After school on Thursday, I believe the 14th, i had my first rehearsal with the ATSSB. I got there and i was surrounded around a lot of people i didn’t know. I saw Mr Reynolds and we had a chat, and he told we at least a thousand times that ill be Ok. i went to sit down, and started shaking as usual. Then we got our music which was fireball, fury night, and above the ground. we started and it felt really nice, because i was actually around people that practiced like i did! Before you know it, i started feeling comfortable, and was more confident to play. I even learned a lot of technique there as well, that i’m currently still using today. Friday was a little more the same as that Thursday night, but each song rehearsal was longer. after 3-4 hours of rehearsal we went out to eat at out law burger. i made sure i ate well, i ate a burger, fries, and sprite, but my sprite got ruined because another girl in Highschool that made ATSSB was playing with salt. Then i realized that Friday was my last day with Mr Reynolds, and i was crying in the inside of me. Hes the reason why i was in ATSSB, because he believed in me. We came back and Mr Reynolds nearly killed a turtle, and i screamed turtle, but no worries the turtle is fine! we got back and i had 3-4 more hours before the concert, and let me tell you that went by fast. we had an extra 45 minutes to change in our uniforms. Mr Reynolds gave us a prep talk, and before you know it, i was on stage. opened to a big audience. We played ,and in a snap we were done, i had done it! the music sounded wonderful everyone was in time, and i would say that’s  going to be one of the best performance  i have ever done. Then i had to get off stage, i put my clarinet up and had to say my last and finale goodbye to Mr Reynolds. i was crying way before we took that picture, and one thing to know about him is that he does not cry in front of people, but i saw a tear drop, and that is what burst me out into tears. we hugged each other, and he talked about how good i did, and that he was extremely proud. within a poof he walked away, and that was it. Mr Reynolds moved to bigger and better things, but in my heart he will always be the best band director ever, he’ll never be replaceable in my heart. I got in the car and drove home. i was exhausted, and i felt sick but that was because i used all my  stomach muscles. But that’ll be the best day of my life, ever.