Final UIL Scores

Final UIL Scores

Molly Bruton and Amelia Bruton

       The results are in from all UIL contests, Ponder Junior High swept them competition taking first in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. In 6th grade ponder had an overall score of 535 points, in 7th grade ponder had a score of 542 points and in 8th grade ponder had a score of 618 points.  

      6th grade got 41 points in Art Smart, 45 points in Calculator, 28 points in Chess, 39 points in Dictionary Skills, 37 points Editorial Writing, 27 points Impronto Speaking, 4 points in Listening, 45 points in Map Graphs and Charts, 42 points in Mathematics, 25 points in Modern Oratory, 37 points in Music memory, 41 points in Number Sense, 35 points in Oral Reading, 31 points in Ready Writing, 38 points in Social Studies, and 20 points in spelling. 

     7th grade got 40 points in art smart, 45 points in calculator, 28 points in chess, 34 points in dictionary, 6 points in editorial writing, 25 points in impromptu speaking, 32 points in listening skills, 34 points in map graphs and charts, 28 points in mathematics, 37 points in modern oratory, 47 points in music memory, 45 points in number sense, 35 points in oral reading, 21 points in ready writing, 27 points in science, 22 points in social studies, and 36 points in spelling.

    8th grade got 27 points in art smart, 45 points in calculator, 27 points in chess, 35 points in dictionary, 26 points in editorial writing, 30 points impromptu speaking, 37 points in listening skills, 45 points in map graphs and charts, 45 points in mathematics, 37 points in modern oratory, 45 points in music memory, 44 points in number sense, 37 points in oral reading, 22 points in ready writing, 45 points in science, 32 points in social studies, 39 points in spelling.