
Ryley Parker

Softball is a super fun sport in my opinion and is my favorite sport. Softball is a sport similar to baseball, but with a larger ball and on a smaller field. Softball is a very competitive sport, especially for me. Softball was created in 1887 in Chicago by George Hancock. In softball, you have to have 9 players on the field. 3 in the outfield, and 6 in the infield. Your 3 outfielders are left field, center field, and right field. Your 6 infielders are catcher, pitcher, 1st and 2nd base, shortstop, and 3rd base. When a batter hits the ball in the air it is called a pop fly, and if one of the outfielders or infielders catches it you’re out. If they caught it but then dropped it, then you are not out unless they throw the ball to base on time. When the batter hits a ball that hits the ground and it doesn’t go in the air it’s a line drive. Meaning the only way to get the batter out is to tag 1st base. Once you get 3 outs, you switch. Batters will go to fielding, and fielding goes to batting.

When you are batting you have to have your helmet on at all times on the field, if you take it off on the field at any time you are considered an out. A strike for a batter is considered knees to chest. If you get hit by the ball you get a free base, and if the pitcher pitches 4 balls then you also get a free base. Whenever you are on base you can lead off. If you are leading off, you can only go once the ball has been released from the pitcher’s hand. Strikes are when you swing even if it wasn’t in the strike zone, if you swing it’s a strike. If you didn’t swing and it’s in the strike zone, then that is also a strike. If all the bases are loaded (with runners) and you hit a home run then that is considered a grand slam. If you hit the ball and run through all the bases and no one gets you out that’s a home run (inside the park home run). Sliding is super important because if you slide and it’s a force and they tag the base, you’re out. If it is not a force then they have to tag you if you slide. That’s all I have for you because if I talked about everything, it would be too long! Hope you’re having an AWESOME DAY!

-Ryley Parker