STAAR test dates

STAAR test dates

Molly Bruton and Amelia Bruton

In May we will be having STAAR testing for 6-8th grade so make sure to come to school prepared and eat a good breakfast on the following dates. On May 6th, the 8th grade will have the Science STAAR test, May 7th, the 8th grade will also take the U.S. History STAAR test. On May 11th, 6-8th grade will have the Math STAAR test and on the 12th they will have the Reading STAAR test, these tests will each last 4 hours.

Some good tips to follow the day before you take your STAAR test are things like going to sleep early, clearing your mind, having the mindset that you can do it, and studying. Some tips for the day of your STAAR tests are things like eating a good healthy breakfast, bringing a jacket in case the classroom gets cold, have a book to read whenever you’re finished, and just don’t stress out. 

There’s only 16 more days till the 8th grade Science STAAR so be prepared 8th graders and do your best everyone!