A Good Ethnic Code

A Good Ethnic Code

Fischer Jonas, Writer/Editor

An ethnic code makes a huge part of a newspaper and makes a personality out of it. It explains what the newspaper is. There is not a wrong ethnic code unless it is targeting someone or a group of people, lies, or scares people without presenting the facts. These are stuff you do not want in a paper, and sadly it goes on in this world. Do newspapers present facts only, or does it present opinions? These are questions to good ethnic code. There are three main newspaper personalities. Facts, Opinions, and neutral. First, the factual newspaper. The factual newspaper. The factual newspaper has few to no opinions at all and only presents facts, and is lifeless in cartoons, crosswords, mad libs, and advice pieces. It will do whatever it takes to get the facts to even interview celebrities. It does scare tactics to get its viewers to read more. Number two, The opinion newspaper. The opinion newspaper will be lifeful, fill with opinion articles. Its cartoons have been made from carefully selected cartoonists, its pieces are factual to the point where no lies are told but there are more opinions than facts. There are not many pieces about politics and loads of editorials. Finally, The neutral newspaper. The neutral newspaper is not so common but now and then you will find them.  The pieces are limited to facts are never opinions. They are more starting out and do not have any, crosswords, mad-libs, cartoons, jokes, and article pieces. After a while, they start to get more interesting because they hire more people. The older it gets it either chooses factual or opinions. We learn about the three main newspaper personalities. These personalities are important to a newspaper. I hope you all enjoyed this article. Goodbye!