Techonolgy: Improve or control?

Techonolgy: Improve or control?

Fischer Jonas, Writer/Editor

I was in one of my ELA classes when on the board I saw a question; Does technology improve or control our lives? This probably seemed like an easy answer, but when you think about it really didn’t. A lot of people at a younger age will say it improves, and a lot of people in the older age will say control. So I decided to think, study, ask questions and take some polls to see what I got. And my answer was surprising. In this world, AI is becoming smarter by the second, which comes with the fear that robots and AI will take over, but that’s not entirely the case. A computer cannot pick up a coffee cup or do anything unless we program it to. The same goes for AI, but what’s different about AI is it gets smarter but in its own AREA. For example, in 2016, an AI made by google named AlphaGo beat a GO champion with a move no one has ever seen before. But see the AI could only learn the history of GO games, nothing else. We control what robots and artificial intelligence do. So the answer to the question does it improve or control is improved. Technology improves what we do every day. The moral of the story is destroy your phone. Just kidding.